Friday, September 22, 2006
Funny Times at WW
Wednesday evening I went to my weekly weight watching meeting and laughed my shrinking belly off.

First off, our infamous leader, Barry, is the most hilarious, inspirational, real person who has lost 73 lbs. that I have ever met. He (yes, that's right - I have a male WW leader) gives us that motivational push that is so needed to keep on this lifestyle change. After our weekly bragging session, he reminds us about his claim to fame moment - his stint on the popular "Deal" game show. The time has come and he will be one of the guys on the side - the supporters - and if they don't edit - he will be the most hilarious, inspirational, real supporter they have ever had on that television show. He will be on during the last half of the Friday (today's) show and the Monday show. Watch him. He will undoubtedly mention that not only he is a pastor, but a WW leader with the largest weight loss group in our city.

After our meeting, my friend Krystina then pulls me over to the side - giggling - and reminds me to take my name tag off after the meeting. Okay. What's the big deal? I just go home after meeting. Well, she had apparently gone to Costco after her meeting last week, wearing her "My name is..." name tag that states that she was at a WW meeting. While at Costco, she needs to buy a 5 lb. bag of M&M's for her Mops group at church, and runs into many people, wearing her WW name tag, carrying the 10 lb. bag of M&M's. What's even funnier is that Jolee was with her and didn't even tell her that her nametag was on until they were walking out the door. WW Poster Child - carrying around a bag of M&M's.

WW Update this week: -2.4 lbs for a total of 38 lbs.

  posted at 10:10 AM
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