Friday, February 09, 2007
"Perry, I'll Pray For You"
Those are the exact words I overheard tonight as I was watching Access Hollywood my friend's kids tonight while she was at a PTA meeting. No, I don't go to PTA. I have much better things to do with my time like watching Grey's Anatomy or catching up on reading the latest best-seller... oh, forget crossing any of those out. I really have nothing else better to do, I just don't go.

Anyway, while my good friend C was at her PTA meeting being extremely interested in all things PTA, her boys were over here entertaining my son. Which is exactly how I see it. When any one of Perry's friends hangs out at my house - I score free entertainment for him... and more time for me.

I heart Perry's friends.

Oh don't worry, I do hang out a little while with them...I feed them donuts... I go downstairs and talk until they look at me all weird like. And then look at Perry like why is your mom hanging out with us downstairs while we play pokemon? Then I go back up to my free time.

So, getting back to my spying, I overhear that Perry doesn't have the coveted Pokemon card. I'm not sure which one it is - but he doesn't have it. His friend G has it, and is willing to trade it to Perry, except his older, all-knowing brother E stated in a direct manner, and I do mean direct, that "mom will NOT let you trade ANY cards." Seems as if the trading of cards has caused a problem before.

"Okay Perry, this is what I'll do. I will pray really hard tonight. My mom lets me pray every night and tonight I will definitely pray for that card for you in your next pack."
That boy G - preacher to be.

He's the cutie on the left.

A boy can never have enough praying friends.


  posted at 7:06 AM
  Comments (3)

At 7:56 AM, Blogger Katrina @ Callapidder Days said...

What an adorable story! Love it!

And I share many of your traits - no PTA for me either, and a friend over means I get to chill! :)

At 10:18 AM, Blogger Rach said...

That is so cute! We can all use those types of friends. That will pray for your for the littlest of things.

At 5:15 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Very cute.

Lori you really are a good writer. Funny. Real.


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