Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Whatever Happened to Chivalry (or) Am I Just Too Dang Independent?
Today we woke up to a cold chill of 7 degrees - that's right - it is only 7 degrees here in western Missouri. And the windchill is even lower.

After climbing out of our warm bed, I had to then step into the cold closet that sits above our garage to iron my clothes for the day's work. (Yes, another weird thing about me - I have a need to iron all my clothes before wearing them... don't even get me started.) Anyway, I digress... While ironing, I remembered that I needed gas. Man, I hate it when that happens.

So, I bundle up tight to get to work today, but I must stop at Costco to get gas. Wait, my husband is there at the gas pump too! He had arrived just before me after he dropped Perry off at school and he is sitting in his car waiting for his tank to fill. I pull up right behind him and wave to him to "fill 'er up." And what does he do - he shakes his head no - not once - but twice - shakes his head no!

So I climb out of my car, open the tank, pop in the credit card, and that is when his gas stops pumping and out he climbs from the warmth of his car.

With my evil eye and voice that only nagging upset wives are known for, I gave him the ol' one - two: "I'm SO writing about this on my blog today and you are going to not like how I talk about you."

I did see him again 5 minutes later at the local Starbucks. He was in line buying me my coffee.... trying to make nice. So I ask him... "what has happened to chivalry?" Good old-fashioned open the door for my lady, drop her off at the front door of the store, fill her gas tank to show my love common courtesy that my father to this day still indulges in for my mother? He kissed me, walked out of the door and smiled... that's all I got...

Guess he's not winning husband of the year today (for Rachael).

But here's hoping for the gallantry and polish that will someday be taught to our son.

I'm thinking that I'm going to need to call on my dad for the teaching of those ways.


  posted at 3:18 PM
  Comments (2)

At 4:50 PM, Blogger Rach said...

I am officially delurking! :-)
That Phil...He is so losing HOTY (Husband of the Year).
I will try to do the 6 weird things later this week.

At 8:30 AM, Blogger Katrina @ Callapidder Days said...

Oh my, Phil needs to be reminded of the eternal and carved-in-stone rule: Husbands must pump gas whenever possible (assuming, of course, that his wife wants him to). :)


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