Monday, December 18, 2006
Are You Gooder At Grammar?
Your Language Arts Grade: 100%

Way to go! You know not to trust the MS Grammar Check and you know "no" from "know." Now, go forth and spread the good word (or at least, the proper use of apostrophes).

Are You Gooder at Grammar?
Make a Quiz

I took this quiz because I just knew that I would pass with flying colors... I LOVE me some grammar!

My mother - who taught 5th graders for over 30 years - would be so proud. She is my greatest influence to read everything you can get your hands on at a library, write correctly, and use proper grammar.

I am also employed by an ad agency. The majority of my peers here are college-educated, journalism-degreed, creative individuals. But you would be amazed by the grammar that is used in memos, emails, and even agency message boards.

Hideous, I tell ya!

If one more person sends out an agency-wide memo informing everyone that "your invited to partake in sweets at the bar," I will forever roll my eyes and sigh a heavy sigh in disgrace of their grammar mistake.

But then again - why sweat the small stuff, right?

Besides, I would be awfully cranky if I didn't get invited to the bar for all the sweets being gifted during the holiday season. I just love me some sweets!


  posted at 2:19 PM
  Comments (2)

At 8:53 AM, Blogger Katrina @ Callapidder Days said...

Good job. I'll have to go take that one too, since I tend to be a bit uptight about grammar. :)

At 4:33 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

You can't beat 100%. I also hate some of those errors, but I find that with my fast fingers typing I often type incorrectly even though I know. Like I'll type, "I'll be hear when you get home." When I don't catch it, it really annoys me.


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